Thursday, February 2, 2017

My experience with Google+

Google+ took me a while to understand

Google+ took me a lot longer to understand than I had expected. Since I have had a twitter for a while, I was ready to be able to use twitter as my PLN. After discovering that I need to use Google+, I tried to get to work. Unfortunately some of the parts of the assignment though were a little harder than others.. I have many interests in everything ranging from cooking to travel to arts and crafts. Finding collections to join was a very easy thing for me. My favorite so far has been one that I joined about herbal medicine... Did you know that carrots are good for an upset stomach? You learn something new everyday. Anyways! Since I am a total yogi, I decided to create a collection about yoga and the benefits it has on mental and physical health! Depending on your technological abilities, creating a PLN can either be an easy task or something that is filled with stress. Easily put, having a personal learning network is WORK. It is definitely not something that you can make and expect to grow overnight into something useful for the future. I also found out.. not many people I know use Google+! So hopefully as people do the assignment that will change because so far my only "suggested friends" are my teachers from high school and I have no clue how they're on that list, they got X'ed pretty quickly. 
Thats what my page looks like right now.. I probably should join collections having to do with education but that is still to come! The biggest problem I will face though is sustaining this PLN and networking. This resource could be something super awesome IF I use it correctly. I know a lot of teachers who post things to their page for parents in their classroom and take from other teachers to help themselves! I am always on my computer just messing around and LOOKING for things to do. This new Google+ account can definitely keep me occupied for a while during those times.. It's like an endless site of information on everything I could possibly need! I start my student teaching next year, and my hope is that by the time I start it next spring, I have maintained this page enough so that I have a network of information and users to help me along the way. 

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